Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program will have a booth at the Oregon State Fair in the Jackman-Long Building starting Friday, August 27th through Monday, September 6th during fair hours, which are 10AM to 10PM each day. This will be our 27th year at the fair.
Every year we meet thousands of people at the State Fair who have been touched by Doernbecher. They seek us out at our booth to help us financially by purchasing raffle tickets, an ornament, or by dropping a donation in the jar. We missed not seeing those supporters last year because of the pandemic, so we hope they and others will return to the fair and stop by our booth. Kids with cancer still need our financial support.
We will not be raffling off a Mustang automobile at this year’s fair but we will be selling “Dinner Anywhere” raffle tickets and we will also sell locally hand made, blown glass Christmas ornaments that make great gifts for family, friends and business contacts.
We are reaching out to Kiwanis Clubs and members for volunteers to man the booth in 3 hour shifts each day. If you are interested in volunteering at our booth contact Richard at, or fill out this form!
Volunteers get a free pass to the fair.
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