Larry Hough was a Kiwanis member from Lincoln City and on the Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program (KDCCP) Board of Directors for several years. He spent a lot of his retirement working for Kiwanis and fundraising for KDCCP with the hope of better outcomes for kids with cancer.
The service for Larry will be held at 2pm on Friday May 28th at the Chapel Of The Seas Presbyterian Church in Lincoln City, OR.
I remember Larry for two his dedicated efforts to promote and benefit the fight against childhood cancer. First, was his canister program which he set up to encourage the support by all Kiwanis Clubs in Oregon, SW Washington and Northern California. It involved setting up and distributing canisters for people to drop loose change in this area and Clubs to pass around during Club meetings. The proceeds were forwarded to KDCCP. Second, was his construction of his handmade woodworking projects which he sold or served as raffle prizes for which he would then sell tickets. I know as I won a large magnificent gazebo for my yard, which turned out to be unusable by me as my yard had no flat and level location. I ended up selling it and contributing the sales proceeds to KDCCP.
Larry’s real goal was to fully fund the KDCCP Endowment Fund to provide permanent funding for the Fellowship program at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.
Larry had a very large heart and was willing to do what he could. I will miss Larry and his humor.
Larry was a huge fan of the television series “Fawlty Towers” with John Cleese. I suspect it had a heart felt connection to his White House operation in Portland.